Servicing Your Explorer
If you lose the fuel cap , rep lace it with an au thorized Motorcraft
or equ ivalent part.
If you do not use the prop er fuel cap, the pressu re in the
fuel tan k can damage the fuel system or cause it to work
improp erly in a collision .
NOTE: If you rep lace you r fuel cap with an afterm ark et fuel
filler cap, the custom er warran ty may be void for any
damage to the fuel tan k and/or fuel system .
If the fuel cap is ven tin g vap or or if you hear a hissin g
sou nd, wait until it stop s before completely rem ovin g the
You may occasionally hear and / or feel a slight thu mp occurring
one or tw o second s after a gentle stop . This is norm al and
generally occurs with the fuel tank 3/ 4 full. It is cau sed by the
wave action of the fuel within the tank.
A venting fuel tank is not an abnorm al cond ition. It may be
cau sed by:
Too volatile a fuel for the weather cond itions. The service
stations som etim es sell winter grad e fuel in the spring.
Pu lling a heavy load on hot days, or at high altitu des.
Extend ed period s of idling with the engine RPM increased
above the norm al idle range.
Parking vehicle in full sunlight for extend ed period s on
extrem ely hot days.
Product Specification
Categories | Ford Explorer Manuals, Ford Manuals |
Document Type | Free Auto PDF Manual Download. |
Model Year | 1996 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |